So far we have built only tiny toy programs. To build bigger ones, we need to be able to name things so as to refer to them later. We also need to write expressions whose result depends upon one or more other things.
Before, if we wished to use a sub-expression twice or more in a single expression, we had to type it multiple times:
# 200 * 200 * 200;;
- : int = 8000000
Instead, we can define our own name to stand for the result of evaluating an expression, and then use the name as we please:
# let x = 200;;
val x : int = 200
# x * x * x;;
- : int = 8000000
To write this all in a single expression, we can use the
… =
… in
# let x = 200 in x * x * x;;
- : int = 8000000
# let a = 500 in (let b = a * a in a + b);;
- : int = 250500
We can also make a function, whose value depends upon some input (we call this input an argument – we will be using the word “input” later in the book to mean something different):
# let cube x = x * x * x;;
val cube : int -> int = <fun>
# cube 200;;
- : int = 8000000
We chose cube
for the name of the function and
for the name of its argument. When we typed the function
in, OCaml replied by telling us that its type is int → int. This means it
is a function which takes an integer as its argument, and, when given
that argument, evaluates to an integer. To use the function, we just
write its name followed by a suitable argument. In our example, we
calculated 2003 by giving
the cube
function 200
as its argument.
The cube
function has type int → int, we gave it an
integer 200
, and so the result is another integer. Thus,
the type of the expression cube 200
is int – remember that the type of any
expression is the type of the thing it will evaluate to, and
cube 200
evaluates to 8000000
, an integer. In
diagram form:
If we try an argument of the wrong type, the program will be rejected:
# let cube x = x * x * x;;
val cube : int -> int = <fun>
# cube
Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type
Here is a function which determines if an integer is negative:
# let neg x = if x < 0 then true else false;;
val neg : int -> bool = <fun>
# neg (-30);;
- : bool = true
(We added parentheses to distinguish from neg - 30
But, of course, this is equivalent to just writing
# let neg x = x < 0;;
val neg : int -> bool = <fun>
# neg (-30);;
- : bool = true
because x < 0
will evaluate to the appropriate
boolean value on its own – true
if x
< 0 and false
otherwise. Here is another function, this time of type char →
bool. It determines if a given character is a vowel or
# let isvowel c =
c = ’a’ || c = ’e’ || c = ’i’ || c = ’o’ || c = ’u’;;
val isvowel : char -> bool = <fun>
# isvowel ’x’;;
- : bool = false
Notice that we typed the function over two lines. This can be done by
pressing the Enter key in between lines. OCaml knows that we are
finished when we type ;;
followed by Enter as usual. Notice
also that we pressed space a few times so that the second line appeared
a little to the right of the first. This is known as
indentation and does not affect the meaning of the program at
all – it is just for readability.
There can be more than one argument to a function. For example, here is a function which checks if two numbers add up to ten:
# let addtoten a b =
a + b = 10;;
val addtoten : int -> int -> bool = <fun>
# addtoten 6 4;;
- : bool = true
The type is int → int → bool because the arguments are both integers, and the result is a boolean. We use the function in the same way as before, but writing two integers this time, one for each argument the function expects.
A recursive function is one which uses itself. Consider calculating the factorial of a given number – the factorial of 4 (written 4! in mathematics), for example, is 4 × 3 × 2 × 1. Here is a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a positive number. Note that it uses itself in its own definition.
# let rec factorial a =
if a = 1 then 1 else a * factorial (a - 1);;
val factorial : int -> int = <fun>
# factorial 4;;
- : int = 24
We used let rec
instead of
to indicate a recursive function. How
does the evaluation of factorial 4
For the first three steps, the else
part of the conditional expression is chosen, because the argument
is greater than one. When the argument is equal to one,
we do not use factorial
again, but just evaluate to one.
The expression built up of all the multiplications is then evaluated
until a value is reached: this is the result of the whole evaluation. It
is sometimes possible for a recursive function never to finish – what if
we try to evaluate factorial (-1)
The expression keeps expanding, and the recursion keeps going. Helpfully, OCaml tells us what is going on:
# let rec factorial a =
if a = 1 then 1 else a * factorial (a - 1);;
val factorial : int -> int = <fun>
# factorial (-1);;
Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).
This is an example of an error OCaml cannot find by merely looking at the program – it can only be detected during evaluation. Later in the book, we will see how to prevent people who are using our functions from making such mistakes.
One of the oldest methods for solving a problem (or algorithm) still in common use is Euclid’s algorithm for calculating the greatest common divisor of two numbers (that is, given two positive integers a and b, finding the biggest positive integer c such that neither a/c nor b/c have a remainder). Euclid was a Greek mathematician who lived about three centuries before Christ. Euclid’s algorithm is simple to write as a function with two arguments:
# let rec gcd a b =
if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b);;
val gcd : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# gcd 64000 3456;;
- : int = 128
Here is the evaluation:
Finally, here is a simple function on boolean values. In the previous
chapter, we looked at the &&
and ||
operators which are built in to OCaml. The other important boolean
operator is the not
function, which returns the boolean
complement (opposite) of its argument – true
if the
argument is false
, and vice versa. This is also built in,
but it is easy enough to define ourselves, as a function of type bool →
# let not x =
if x then false else true;;
val not : bool -> bool = <fun>
# not true;;
- : bool = false
Almost every program we write will involve functions such as these, and many larger ones too. In fact, languages like OCaml are often called functional languages.
Write a function which multiplies a given number by ten. What is its type?
Write a function which returns true
if both of its
arguments are non-zero, and false
otherwise. What is the
type of your function?
Write a recursive function which, given a number n, calculates the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n. What is its type?
Write a function power x n
which raises
to the power n
. Give its type.
Write a function isconsonant
which, given a
lower-case character in the range ’a’
determines if it is a consonant.
What is the result of the expression
x = 1
x = 2
x + x
Can you suggest a way of preventing the non-termination of the
function in the case of a zero or negative